Meaningful Trainings
Recovery Professional Series
- resources created by peers, for peers -
This work is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
- All resources available for use under the Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0
- Uniform, adaptable, blended learning design (asynchronous and/or collaborative)
- Facilitation adaptable to remote and in-person formats
- Four learning tracks & thirty titles that support broad-based continuing education objectives
Recovery Professional Series
Learning Tracks/Titles
Pathways & Resources
Multiple Pathways - introduction/overview Peer Support - introduction/overview SMART Recovery Harm Reduction Poetry(as)Pathway Medication Supported Recovery (MSR) Recovery Capital Treatment, Recovery & Wellness Supervision
Organizational - Overview & Introduction Peer Support - task vs. process Peer Support/Clinical Contrast |
Tools, Frameworks & Skills - Introduction Tools, Frameworks & Skills - Advanced Ethics - Introduction Ethical Development Recovery - Introduction Recovery - Peer Model Fidelity Skills
Naturally Curious Conversation (MI) A(a)dvocacy Communication - language Communication - written Communication - digital |
Mine - Yours - Ours
Mine - Yours - Ours
- Can I have these workshops?
Yes. These professionally designed and copyrighted experiential workshops are licensed for use by the Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 designation we place on this material. This license requires that re-users give credit to the creator (Meaningful Trainings). It allows re-users to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format, even for commercial purposes. If others remix, adapt, or build upon the material, they must license the modified material under identical terms. - Can I charge to facilitate these workshops?
Yes. These are resources for professionals. As such organizations who seek value for their learning investments and professionals who deliver that value can adapt these learning frameworks to meet their shared objectives. - What's the catch?
No catch. - Why do you create and share these resources, for free, with anyone?
Peer support is a proven evidence-based modality for the sustainable self-management of individual and community life. So, as we presently watch a groundswell of enthusiasm (reimbursement models, workforce development, tepid acceptance by addiction treatment) dwindle, we hope to maintain the vigor, independent standing and agency of peer support - not watch silently as peer support becomes a loose appendage of addiction treatment. - That sounds harsh. Are you angry?
Nope, just tired of burying friends due to systemic ignorance. Angry is how you're labeled when your work impinges on the status quo! We have to be happy, confident and clearly communicate to do this work. We look forward to expanding the community. Welcome. - How do you survive by giving great stuff away?
We are facilitators and curriculum designers with an emphasis on experiential learning (doing stuff). Believe it or not people contract for our services, so... maybe you will! How? Maybe you'll have us facilitate for your team or work with your in-house facilitation team to improve their content delivery & engagement skill sets. It's one of the most joyful things we do actually. To engage with people as they explore their talents and capacities is to bear witness to motivation & growth. Check around our website, it's full of fun and always evolving! If anything strikes you - we look forward to a conversation. - Okay, I get it. How do I check out your workshops? Contact you?
Keep reading. We are ready when you are.
Module Components & Design
Each title includes participant materials and facilitation notes in both (PDF) and (Word) formats for adaptation
Workshops are designed using similar frameworks.
Emphasis on (+) participant engagement and application of skills and (-) didactic presentation
Workshops are designed using similar frameworks.
Emphasis on (+) participant engagement and application of skills and (-) didactic presentation