Meaningful Trainings Facilitation.
ideas, conversations and possibilities.
Wherever, whenever, doing whatever.
MTFacilitation designed for organizational leadership incorporates Meaningful Trainings core philosophies into a unique style of group exploration and clarification. When the goal is a new perspective, an innovative thought to challenge staid processes or an annual re-connection and retreat- the MTFacilitation Process provides a catalyst for curiosity, questioning and solutions oriented sustainability...
...say that three times fast!
...say that three times fast!
Our Frame, Build, Sustain flow guides the design process for your unique MTFacilitation encounter. No two individuals are the same and by extension, every organization is that much more varied.
Your inquiry begins the process. We listen, ask questions and clarify our understanding of your goals, resources and participants. Building a process that recognizes your expectations for the facilitated encounter we ensure that your unique organizational dynamics are accommodated. The wrap and follow-up complete the MTFacilitation Process. We ensure that you have a complete capture of the facilitation encounter supported by sustaining exercises and prompts for each participant. This part of the MTFacilitation Process is what differentiates ours from a typical facilitation service - we complete the loop of intention through building to incorporate a sustaining dynamic. That is how participants maintain the momentum of the retreat and integrate the ideals into the daily flow to get things done... ...That's a Meaningful Trainings MTFaciliation Process! |
Our MTFacilitation Process is offered on a (per-day) price schedule. Each day of facilitation includes;
For facilitated retreats greater than 20 participants we offer pricing upon request. Likewise, for non-profits and youth organizations we offer our services for reduced fees or Pro bono publico. Please inquire. |